Sabtu, 21 Juli 2018

Jual Suhr Alexa Multi-Wave Dual Channel Chorus and Vibrato

Jual Suhr Alexa Multi-Wave Dual Channel Chorus and Vibrato

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Jual Suhr Alexa Multi-Wave Dual Channel Chorus and Vibrato


Jual Suhr Alexa Multi-Wave Dual Channel Chorus and Vibrato, harga Rp. 4.200.000,-

Alexa is a Multi-Wave Dual Channel Analog Chorus/Vibrato that offers a fresh approach in delivering a wealth of warm modulation and spatial effects for your guitar, bass or keyboard.


Experience chorus in a whole new way. Alexa’s six onboard wave-forms offer a comprehensive palate of vintage and modern chorus sounds.


With Alexa’s two independent channels, you can easily preset two distinct chorus/vibrato sounds. For example, Channel A can be a traditional warm and smooth chorus, while Channel B is set to a fast vintage rotary.
Switching between two different sounds has never been easier.


Alexa features a comprehensive palette of controls that are musical and easy to use. Each channel is equipped with dedicated wave-form, speed, delay, and depth controls to give you complete control over fine-tuning your sound.


A combination of vintage technology and modern engineering is the foundation which Alexa was built upon. The heart of Alexa’s signal path employs a 3207 BBD (bucket brigade device) to deliver all of the warm analog tones that vintage choruses are revered for. Innovative engineering ensures the purest analog tone, with ultra-quiet performance.


You can vary the speed control in real-time by simply connecting an external expression pedal or tap tempo footswitch.

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Rek Mandiri : 900 - 00 - 2522173 - 1
A/N : Tony Kurniawan
Rek BCA : 752 - 024 - 4110
A/N : Tony Kurniawan

No Nipu2 Tidak Menerima COD (via kirim2 dulu)
Pengiriman via TIKI, JNE, Mex Berlian, Indah Cargo, Panca Kobra, MPS dll

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