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Jual Alesis V61 61 Key Keyboard Controller

Alesis V61 61-Key Portable Keyboard Controller, harga Rp. 2.500.000,-
Feel the expression of playing on full-sized keys, but in a compact sized controller that will easily integrate into any desktop production setup. Introducing the V61 Keyboard Controller with 61 full-sized, square-front keys, 8 LED backlit touchpads with velocity and pressure sensitivity, 4 assignable knobs and 4 assignable buttons, pitch and mod wheels with expressive control and seamless visual feedback from the illuminated buttons and knobs. The V61 is everything you need in a keyboard controller, without the space and size of some much larger, feature enhanced versions.
The Alesis V Series adds dynamic expression to your virtual instruments. Cool blue LEDs illuminate the pads-as well as the four assignable knobs and buttons-for positive visibility. Assignments may be made quickly via the MIDI Learn feature. Octave shift keys provide access to the entire note range. A single USB cable provides both a power and data connection to nearly any computer.
- 61 full-sized, square-front keys
- 8 LED backlit pads respond to both velocity and pressure
- Perfect for controlling plug-ins and virtual instruments
- 4 assignable knobs; 4 assignable buttons
- Pitch & Mod wheels deliver expressive, creative control
- Seamless visual feedback via illuminated buttons/knobs
- Single USB cable provides both power and MIDI data
- Includes Ableton Live Lite Alesis Edition & MIDI editor software
Untuk Info Pemesanan, bisa hubungi kami di :
HP / WA : 081384476898Pin BB : 5D98E71BEmail : imagination.music15@gmail.comIndonetwork : www.indonetwork.co.id/imagination-musicWebsite resmi : www.imaginationmusicstore.com
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