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Alesis Vmini 25-Key Portable Keyboard Controller

Alesis Vmini 25-Key Portable Keyboard Controller, harga Rp. 1.120.000,-
The Alesis V Mini is a powerful, intuitive, and portable MIDI controller that lets you take full command of your music software. With 25 mini-size velocity-sensitive keys and Octave Up/Down buttons, you can expand the keyboard to the full melodic range and play bass lines, chords, and melodies. V Mini also features four assignable knobs for manipulating effect plugins and virtual instruments: open and close filters, adjust volume levels, activate effects, tweak parameters, and more. Four velocity-sensitive backlit pads allow you to launch clips or finger drum with exceptional response, and pitch, modulation, and sustain buttons expand the expressive capabilities of your performing.
Plug-and-Play Hardware
V Mini was designed to integrate effortlessly with your music software. A single USB connection to your Mac or PC provides both power and MIDI functionality, allowing you to plug right into your computer and start making music. All the knobs and pads illuminate blue to provide real-time visual feedback and are laid out for an intuitive workflow. Plus, V Mini's compact design makes it easy to take this powerful MIDI controller on the road or implement it into any sized studio.
Includes XPAND!2
V Mini is bundled with Xpand!2 by AIR Music Tech. Xpand!2 is an advanced virtual instrument that comes with a collection of over 2000 premium sounds, ranging from acoustic instruments to futuristic synthesizers. This powerful software allows you to create or perform music with V Mini right out of the box
Untuk Info Pemesanan, bisa hubungi kami di :
HP / WA : 081384476898Pin BB : 5D98E71BEmail : imagination.music15@gmail.comIndonetwork : www.indonetwork.co.id/imagination-musicWebsite resmi : www.imaginationmusicstore.com
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Untuk pembayaran, transaksi dapat dilakukan di :Rek Mandiri : 900 - 00 - 2522173 - 1A/N : Tony KurniawanRek BCA : 752 - 024 - 4110A/N : Tony Kurniawan
No Nipu2 Tidak Menerima COD (via kirim2 dulu)Pengiriman via TIKI, JNE, Mex Berlian, Indah Cargo, Panca Kobra, MPS dll
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