Senin, 01 Mei 2017

Jual Pop Filter ISK SPS016

Jual Pop Filter ISK SPS016

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Jual Pop Filter ISK SPS016

Jual Pop Filter ISK SPS016, harga Rp. 180.000,-

Gooseneck Pop Filter
iSK's SPS016 microphone pop-filter features a double-net filter, strong flexible gooseneck and stand clamp.

Why Use a Pop Filter?
When recording vocals in the studio, it is essential to use a pop filter (popper stopper) to reduce sibiliance and plosives, ie 'esses' and pops. Usually present when signing words beginning with "S" and "P". It is really an must have accessory for recording vocals with condenser microphones.

Attaches to any Stand
The clamp attaches onto a mic stand, and the gooseneck design allows you to maneuver the filter to suit any need.

Features : 
- Screw on metal clamp
- Gooseneck design
- Double-net design
- Filter diameter - 160mm
- 37cm long gooseneck

Untuk Info Pemesanan, bisa hubungi kami di : 

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Rek Mandiri : 900 - 00 - 2522173 - 1
A/N : Tony Kurniawan
Rek BCA : 752 - 024 - 4110
A/N : Tony Kurniawan

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Pengiriman via TIKI, JNE, Mex Berlian, Indah Cargo, Panca Kobra, MPS dll

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