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Jual Gitar Elektrik Ibanez HERMAN LI EGEN

Jual Gitar Elektrik Ibanez HERMAN LI EGEN, harga Rp. 37.100.000,-
Spesifikasi Ibanez HERMAN LI EGEN
This guitar is a shredder's dream come true!
The Ibanez Herman Li Signature EGEN18TVF Electric Guitar sounds as wicked as it looks. The Herman Li Signature guitar has a mahogany body with a flamed maple top and a 5-piece maple/walnut EGEN neck. The Edge-Zero bridge has a stronger arm action he prefers. Gold tuners and hardware highlight a stunning transparent violet flat finish. Distinctive features include a special hand grip on the top horn, a scalloped lower horn for increased upper fret travel, and a low profile middle pickup that allows unobstructed picking. DiMarzio pickups provide the tonal spectrum your music needs.
"The Ibanez E-Gen is THE electric guitar of the new generation. Fusing incredible diverse tones, playability and innovation into one single beautiful instrument. This is the slickest guitar I have ever played, now I can take my guitar skills to the next level. From crystal clear sounds to shredding ripping metal, the E-Gen does it all!" - Herman Li
- Mahogany body with flamed maple top
- 5-piece maple/walnut EGEN Prestige neck
- Rosewood fingerboard
- 24 jumbo frets
- 21st-24th frets scalloped
- Abalone oval inlays
- Edge Zero bridge
- DiMarzio® HLM® Herman Li signature pickups
- Gold hardware
- Transparent violet flat finish
- Scalloped lower horn for increased upper fret travel
- Special scalloped hand grip on the top horn
- Low profile middle pickup for un-obstructed picking
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